

Helmut Rübsamen GmbH & Co. KG

Over 45 years of experience in non-cutting metal machining. Highest competency in metal forming. Renowned clients in all key areas of industry. And every conceivable piece of machinery based around sheet metal machining. That is Helmut Rübsamen. As an innovative supplier we have only one goal in sight: Our customers' advantage! We'll stake our lives on this - in development and construction, in our own tool and mould construction and with modern metal-forming plants. Year for year millions of metal parts are made in our works in the heart of Germany's Westerwald. Pressing, stamping, deep-drawn pieces and dieformed parts are made from all workable metals: Steel sheet, stainless steel, aluminium or non-ferrous heavy metals. No shape is difficult for us, no customer requirement…

Helmut Rübsamen GmbH & Co. KG

Country: Germany
Address: Carl-Goerdeler-Allee 6 D-56470 Bad-Marienberg
Postal Code: D-56470
Website: www.helmut-ruebsamen.de

Helmut Rübsamen GmbH & Co. KG

Address: Carl-Goerdeler-Allee 6 D-56470 Bad-Marienberg Postal Code: D-56470 Website: www.helmut-ruebsamen.de

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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